IFAD presents paper about Live, Virtual & Constructive (LVC) simulator systems for training ground commanders.
In today’s joint and multi-national operations the ground commanders’ mission is highly demanding and complex. They must perform at peak-efficiency in very difficult environments requiring high standards, currency and proficiency. As the effectiveness of their missions depends heavily on how well they can communicate and coordinate their efforts there is a requirement for a command team training capability that allows commanders to conduct collective training and exercises.
Current practices in team training rely either on coordinated scheduling of personnel local to a base or on training at a dedicated facility. However, limited availability of training ranges and assets, and increasing live training costs, are challenges that make it increasingly difficult to maintaining high standards. As a result, there is a requirement for a cost effective mixture of simulators and the use of Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) entities operating in common real and synthetic environments. LVC systems eliminate geographical constraints and allow commanders to train in almost any operating area. They enable commanders to be exposed to more training scenarios in a shorter period of time, and at an affordable cost.
In this paper we will present an integrated LVC training solution and show how this provides for realistic command team training. The solution is composed by several fully interoperable simulators that allow users to execute realistic missions interacting in common realistic scenarios with several distributed human and synthetic players from own and other units.
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